Friday, November 21, 2008

Basemap Improvements coming to ERDAS TITAN

In the next few days, we will be making some exciting changes to ERDAS TITAN.

During this transition, you may need to change your default basemap in the TITAN Viewer. You can do this by following these simple instructions:

1. Select the Services tab in the Geospatial Instant Messenger (GeoIM)
2. Expand Map Collections/Master Server
3. Choose from three global coverages:


4. Right click on a coverage and select ‘Set As Default Basemap”
5. Close and reopen your TITAN Viewer (reopen Viewer from GeoIM: File/Launch TITAN Viewer)

OpenStreetMap (OSM), a collaborative global map project, will be your default basemap in a TITAN Client auto-update next week.

Thank you for being a part of the ERDAS TITAN Community!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Professors! Hassle-free data delivery to your students!

Paul also points out that the ERDAS 2009 DVD Media Kits containing all ERDAS software and data examples for all ERDAS products are currently shipping!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

TITAN goes Multi Screen!

This fall update to TITAN includes support for Multi Screens: spanning one TITAN Viewer display across multiple screens. In a multi-screen environment, many screens display the output of one computer and create the illusion that the numerous displays are one contiguous display. TITAN multi screen support will include both flat wall displays and also immersive environments.

Check out TITAN across 3 screens in ASU's Decision Theater:

"The ASU Decision Theater consists of an interactive 3D immersive environment
built with cutting edge graphics technologies. The core component, called the
Drum, is a 260-degree faceted screen that can display panoramic computer
graphics or 3D video content."

Look for Multi Screen support this fall as a feature in the free TITAN Client!