Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Local Government GIS Collaboration & TITAN

I had the pleasure of presenting the ERDAS TITAN solution at the Georgia URISA Conference a couple of weeks ago. This biennial statewide GIS conference is hosted by an organization dear to my heart (I served on the Georgia URISA board for five years with one term as President).

I also had the pleasure of having Joe Woycke, Cherokee County Director of GIS and Derrick Smith, GIS Manager of the City of Woodstock present after me in the same session. Joe and Derrick are working very hard to develop collaborative GIS between city and county, and in their presentation they described how TITAN proves to be 'one of the most effective means of quickly sharing and visualizing data without surrendering ownership of the data.'

Joe Woycke describing the utility of ERDAS TITAN in collaborative GIS:

County and municipal governments in Cherokee County have begun collaborating in the development of a collaborative GIS. Key to these relationships is the ability to quickly share current up to date data while retaining ownership. Many different software packages have been used to transmit and share data. ERDAS TITAN has proven to be one of the most effective means of quickly sharing and visualizing data without surrendering ownership of the data. The use of mash ups utilizing data from several different sources presented to the consumer in single client map provides great value to consumers (the taxpayers), who are not concerned about jurisdictional issues and petty parochialism. Current efforts are focused on efficiently serving and updating data with minimal overhead in terms of labor and bureauocracy, a task which TITAN is uniquely well suited for. The result is a more comprehensive GIS providing a cost savings and enhanced convenience to the citizens. Future development will be focused on providing a unified GIS to support emergency management operations, adding another aspect to the value added nature of this GIS collaboration.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Browse TITAN Users and Data in ArcMap

Check out the new video TITAN ArcMap Extension (also available here on this blog under Product Demonstration Videos)

Browse users and load ERDAS TITAN data directly within ESRI's ArcMap. This TITAN extension to ArcGIS embeds the GeoIM as a dockable list of TITAN users and their data shares directly in the ArcMap user interface.

Extension is available here under Downloads.


ERDAS will be at GEOINT 2008 Symposium, October 27-30, 2008 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee. ERDAS and Oracle will be co-hosting the welcome reception, in the plaza between the Grand Ole Opry and the Grand Ole Opry Museum, on October 27 from 7-9 p.m.

Exhibiting in Booth #942, ERDAS is featuring ERDAS TITAN along with recently announced ERDAS APOLLO 2009 and the latest releases of ERDAS IMAGINE and LPS. Stop by the booth for demos of all the latest TITAN features.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

TITAN in Italy

In their October 2008 newsletter, ERDAS Italian distributor Planetek Italia writes:

ERDAS TITAN: the Italian Geospatial Community

The TITAN Network has its Italian Geospatial Community. Through its webportal, enriched with several tools such as forum, news, a geodata section and tutorial, Italian business professionals and surfers can rapidly learn, download and use ERDAS TITAN, connecting to the Italian GeoHub. The application is designed for those organizations and working groups who need to share geospatial or location-based contents in a single secure environment and want to benefit from real-time interaction. For Italian users, details and download are available at: http://titan.planetek.it/

We're proud to have the Planetek Italia GeoHub on the TITAN Network!

Monday, October 6, 2008

ERDAS TITAN 2009 Release

We are very pleased to announce the release of ERDAS TITAN 2009 (version 9.3)!

Today is an historic day for ERDAS marked by major releases across all product lines. This full product line release is complemented by a major overhaul of http://www.erdas.com/, providing a broad scope of interactive information including demo movies, screenshots, white papers and case studies, technical documents, product downloads and new licensing.

The theme of ERDAS TITAN 2009 is interoperability: ERDAS TITAN 2009 now extends the TITAN experience into additional geospatial applications, allowing users to browse and load shared data directly within ERDAS IMAGINE and ArcGIS. An SDK is also provided to support embedding the IM experience into other geospatial applications as well. Data format support is extended for a select set of ERDAS IMAGINE raster formats and sensor models, available when ERDAS IMAGINE 9.3 is installed on the same machine. Support has been added for querying a catalog and accessing layers made available as web services in ERDAS APOLLO. Appropriate for a global audience, the ERDAS TITAN Client is now localized for some languages, with a Translator Tool for any language.

Other improvements include:

  • Map Collections: A Services Panel in the GeoHub Admin tool allows the administrator to add layers to and manage Map Collections that are available to connected subscribers via TITAN Clients. Using the Master Server Admin Tool, an administrator can add sources for both basemaps and terrain for use by the entire network. TITAN users may access and utilize these map and terrain collections via TITAN Clients.
  • ECWP upgrade, for faster reading of ECWP
  • Proxy file load for direct data load into ERDAS IMAGINE Viewer
  • TITAN Viewer Layer panel redesign displays data owner and permissions
    Support of KML in Viewer now includes color styles, placemarks, geometry, regions, stylemaps, and network links
  • Uniform styles management across applications
  • Right click to create one web service with all the layers a user is sharing, or just with a selected file
  • Search results include private data and KML
  • Password management
  • Band combinations adjustments
  • Disable 2 standard deviation preference
  • Start IM in tray preference so that TITAN starts minimized to the tray when Windows starts

Check it out, download TITAN today!